The road to nirvana

My journey into Photography, Horology, and Audiophilia

Canon A40

This is the first digital camera that I bought some 7 years ago from Mayer's at Carlos Palanca street near Hidalgo. It's a 2-megapixel wonder, has an optical viewfinder, small LCD screen with "Live View", and can capture videos.

What I truly liked about this is that it has P and M mode, in additional to the idiot-friendly A mode. With P or M, I was able to play with exposure, aperture, and metering. It was a good learning camera for me.

I still keep this camera with me and I don't intend to change to another point and shoot. The pricing of many point and shoot cameras today are somewhat ridiculous, sometimes even more expensive than entry-level DSLR.

This camera simply gets the job done. Simply point & shoot.